After reading about penguins, Mrs. Newcomb’s class had fun having penguin races. They had to waddle and keep the “egg” between their feet.

First time using the VRs was a success!

We had a lot of fun with the VRs today. We are looking forward to Mr. Peaks return for our next virtual field trip!

Thank you Mr. Peak for coming to our classroom and teaching us how to use the Code and Go Mouse Activity.

USD503 Board Meeting: February 18, 2020

What first grade knows about the heart

What Kindergarten knows about the heart

Parents, just a reminder that yearbook orders are due February 28th. Books cost $18 and can be purchased through the school or online using the website www.inter-state.com/yearbook and entering code 43680F.

Mrs. Peak’s February Scholastic book sponsor this month was Mary Stauffer. Thank you Mary!

Mrs. Peak’s class Valentine’s Day party time, which means yummy treats. Yeah, it’s snack time!!!

PM game time pictures in Mrs. Peak’s class.

In an effort to disinfect our buildings and cut down on student and staff absences, the district custodians mist all areas of the buildings monthly to get rid of germs. During the flu season, the process is done every two weeks in all Parsons Schools.

Mrs. Peak’s AM class playing Valentine’s Day games at their party.

Mrs. Peak’s PM preschool class enjoying some Valentine’s Day game time. ❤️

Mrs. Peak’s AM preschool class celebrating Valentine’s Day!!❤️

Students in Mrs. Hicks’ class experienced virtual reality headsets today. Some students explored the moon, while others saw giraffes, elephants, fish and sharks up close!

Mrs. Peak’s AM Preschool.

AM Preschool received a visit from Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Mack, school nurses, to discuss dental health.

Dental visit in PM preschool in Mrs. Peak’s class.

Mrs. Jones and Ms. Mel taught kindergarten about dental health! 🦷