Mrs. Newcomb’s class learning/writing facts about Kansas.
about 5 years ago, Jamie Newcomb
Little Red Riding Hood STEM activity. Mrs. Newcomb’s kids making baskets to carry apples.
about 5 years ago, Jamie Newcomb
Little Red Riding Hood STEM activity. Mrs. Newcomb’s kids making a basket to carry the apples.
Build a story
about 5 years ago, Jamie Newcomb
Dental health
about 5 years ago, Tiffany Hicks
Students in Mrs. Hicks’ class learned how to floss on a really big mouth. Thank you to our school nurses for the great dental health lesson!
Mrs. O’Connor’s Preschool
about 5 years ago, Dena O'Connor
Dental Day
Dental Day
Mrs. O’Connor’s Preschool
about 5 years ago, Dena O'Connor
Dental Day
Dental Day
Dental Day
Dental Day
Mrs. O’Connor’s Preschool
about 5 years ago, Dena O'Connor
Dental Day
The 100th Day of School!!
about 5 years ago, Halee Kennett
Mrs. O’Connor’s Preschool
about 5 years ago, Dena O'Connor
Dental Day
Dental Day
Dental Day
Dental Day
Celebrating the 100th Day of School in Kindergarten!
about 5 years ago, Kim O'Banion
100th day friends
100th day snack sorting
100th day friends
100th day friends
Celebrating the 100th Day of School in Kindergarten!
about 5 years ago, Kim O'Banion
100th day snack sorting
100th day snack sorting
100th day snack sorting
100th day snack sorting
100th day photo fun!
about 5 years ago, Paige Varner
Celebrating the 100th Day of School in Kindergarten!
about 5 years ago, Kim O'Banion
100th day snack sorting
100th day snack sorting
100th day snack sorting
100th day snack sorting
100 days of school!! Children having fun in Mrs. Peak’s PM preschool class.
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Peak
Jeremiah, Kiyah, Naia
Isaiah, Natalia, AuBrielle
Archer, Trenton, Scout
Two Zero the Heroes came to visit us for the 100th day today!
about 5 years ago, Paige Varner
Kindergarten had a blast celebrating the 100th day of school! Each child brought a collection of 100 things to share.
about 5 years ago, Paige Varner
Mrs. O’Connor’s Preschool
about 5 years ago, Dena O'Connor
100 Days of School
100 Days of School
Happy 100th Day!
about 5 years ago, Brenda Winder
It is the 100th day of school!! We had a visit from 2 Zero the Heroes!!!!!!
about 5 years ago, Shelley Gardner
Mrs. O’Connor’s Preschool
about 5 years ago, Dena O'Connor
100 Days of School
100 Days of School
100 Days of School