Ms. Ray came to read to preschoolers in Mrs. Peak’s room for Kansas Reads to Preschooler’s Week.

Mrs. Hicks won a grant, from McDonalds, to purchase pedometers for the entire first grade!

First grade celebrated Veteran’s Day!

Ms. Stewart’s class did step-by-step Turkey drawings today.

I think Twister is a new indoor recess favorite!

Mrs. Peak’s November Scholastic book sponsor was Kimberly Clark. Thank you so much!

Mrs. Varner's Kindergarten class went on a leaf hunt today! We then graphed the different colors we found.

Mrs. Peak’s class participated in a reading challenge through a program called EPIC. Our goal was to listen/read 200 books from Nov 4-10th. Congratulations to both classes as we accomplished our goal! Parents had the option to sign up free at home during this week to help us meet our goal and to check out EPIC.

Mrs.O’Connor’s PM Preschool

Mrs. O’Connor’s AM Preschool

Mr. N’s class is writing about things they are thankful for this month and this was to cute not to share!

Pumpkin Carving Fun in Kindergarten!

Thank you Officer Gabbert for coming and talking to First Grade about your job in our community!

More Monster Madness in Kindergarten!

Ms. Stewart’s Halloween rotations made monsters today.

Kindergarten students counting bats on Halloween!

Kindergarten students counting bats on Halloween!

Kindergarten students counting bats on Halloween!

Today in kindergarten we had all kinds of different characters!

Happy Halloween from some Viking friends!