Lincoln's Lunch Superstars for the week! Way to go Vikings!!
First graders enjoyed their Reading Boot Camp on Wednesday!
Mr.N’s class enjoying their pizza party from the Dough Raising fundraiser!
Some first grade boot camp graduates!
There was a strong law enforcement presence in the Lincoln School area this morning due to a Law Enforcement action in the area. This was not related to our school. Lincoln was advised prior to this action for the safety of our students and staff. Thank You PPD!
When students show good behavior in the lunch room every day during the week, they get a special prize! And these kids were superstars this week!!
Preschoolers are practicing rhyming through an app on the iPads.
These four boys earned a free book from the book machine for making lots of good choices this week through ClassDojo in Mrs. Peak's AM preschool class. Gwen in PM preschool class shows what she built during center time.
Happy Administrative Professionals Day!!!
We had a great day with our fifth grade pen pals in the park!
We celebrated Earth Day in first grade by reusing cereal boxes and old credit cards to make picture frames!!
These girls had superstar behavior in the lunch room this week!!
Board of Education Minutes from the March 20, 2023 meeting:
Mrs. Peak's AM preschoolers learning at Curious Minds.
Mrs. Peak's PM preschool class traveled to Curious Minds to learn and explore!
PM preschoolers in Mrs. Peak's class on their field trip.
Preschoolers in Mrs. Peak's AM class enjoyed a field trip to Curious Minds Museum the other day for some fun exploration time!
Fun in first grade! 🌸🌷🌻
Mrs. Manley's class has been hard at work planting flowers and using recycled materials to make bird feeders for Earth Day!
Reminder: Thursday, April 20th is Lincoln's Dominos Fundraiser Night!
See Below for the details.