Kindergarteners used marshmallows to paint magenta Mms for Mm week.
over 3 years ago, Brenda Winder
Kindergarten students painted Mm's using magenta paint and marshmallows for their letter of the week. 💗
over 3 years ago, Paige Varner
Reminder: No School Tomorrow for USD 503.
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
No School
Mrs. O’Connor’s PM preschool working at table time.
over 3 years ago, Dena O'Connor
Mrs. O’Connor’s AM preschool at table time.
over 3 years ago, Dena O'Connor
Miss Taylor’s PM Preschool class talked about museums and art today. They also took a virtual tour through a museum. They were able to make art out of many different types of materials! Look at these artists go!
over 3 years ago, Meredith Taylor
PM Class
PM Class
Bubbles and lots of giggles were found in Mrs. Hicks’s class today during their social emotional lesson.
over 3 years ago, Tiffany Hicks
Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Late Start Wednesday
Avery always has a great attitude!
over 3 years ago, Shelley Gardner
Jonya did a great job sharing in Art!
over 3 years ago, Shelley Gardner
Mr. Woodworth, school counselor, visited Mrs. Peak’s PM preschool class to discuss rules and how to be a friend. The students then went outside to play a team game together.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Peak
team 4
team 1
team 2
team 3
Kindergarten students in Mrs. Varner's class learned to focus their attention using "atentoscopes." This lesson is a part of our social emotional curriculum, second steps. 💙
over 3 years ago, Paige Varner
#neverforget #20years
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Patriot Day
Ms. Stewart’s class is trying out Istation for the first time!!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Stewart
Tech Time
Tech Time
Tech Time
Tech Time
Mrs. O’Connor’s PM preschool tracing, coloring, and cutting apples.
over 3 years ago, Dena O'Connor
Mrs. O’Connor’s PM preschool tracing, coloring, and cutting apples.
over 3 years ago, Dena O'Connor
Mrs. McGuire’s class received a fun surprise from the author of The Pout Pout Fish. Deborah Diesen sent bookmarks for each student! ❤️
over 3 years ago, Kyra McGuire
Kindergartner artist learned about Emus this week! Their favorite part is the Emu’s crazy hair!
over 3 years ago, Jessica Ryan
Art Class
Art Class
Flu Shots for Parsons Area Residents
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
CHC Flu Shots
Au'Brielle is a star student! She works hard and has a great attitude!
over 3 years ago, Shelley Gardner