Does it sink or float? First graders made predictions and tested their objects today.
Mrs. Peak's AM preschoolers enjoying recess time.
Name building with magnets in Kindergarten!
Zero the Hero!
Mrs. O’Connor’s AM fun in the sun.
Mrs. O’Connor’s PM class having fun on the playground.
Ms. Stewart’s class loves Play-Doh!!!
Zero the Hero came on the 10th Day of School and visited Lincoln Kindergarteners.
Ms. Neri’s class enjoying a game of KNOCKOUT with our sight words!
Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.
Mr. N’s class got to dress up as their favorite character or bring a setting for the class to guess!
Mr. N’s class got to dress up as their favorite character or bring a setting for the class to guess!
Mr. N’s class got to dress up as their favorite character or bring a setting for the class to guess!
Mr. N’s class got to dress up as their favorite character or bring a setting for the class to guess!
Kindergarten students in Mrs.Varner's class had fun exploring letters during centers!
Sorry for the confusion today!
Kindergarten students enjoying recess and getting some fresh air!
Students learning to play together during center time in Mrs. Peak's preschool AM class.
First grade students were all smiles as they played ‘swat the sounds’ with Mrs.Hicks today.