Mrs. Peak's preschoolers work together to complete a floor puzzle.
1st graders are completing their self-portrait collages in Mrs. Shields' art class. They started by drawing their favorite place in the community and then began assembling their construction paper pieces for their collage. They are doing such a good job!
WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT with Finley's AM preschool.
WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT with Finley's PM preschool!
We worked together to complete floor puzzles in Ms. Finley's AM and PM classes
Ms. Finley's AM class made thier names with playdough
Ms Finley's AM class made names with playdough.
Ms. Finley's PM class made their name with playdough
Ms. Finley's PM class made their names with playdough.
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!
Viking Signing Day!