Happy Kansas Day!
Mrs. Anderson’s Kindergarten class is wishing Kansas a Happy Birthday by decorating cookies to look like sunflowers.
Miss Taylor’s Preschool Classes having fun making sunflower cookies to celebrate Kansas Day!! 🌻
Some of Lincoln’s kindergarteners enjoyed a yummy treat to celebrate Kansas Day!
Some of Lincoln’s kindergarteners celebrated Kansas Day by learning about
the state symbols!
Our 100th Day of School will be February 2nd!!!!
Mrs. Peak’s AM class work on making sunflowers in honor of celebrating Kansas Day this week!
Don't forget that yearbook orders are due January 31st if you want any personalizations (name $1.00 additional cost or name/photo $5.00 additional cost) on the yearbook.
Yearbooks without personalizations can be order until March 10th. Cost is $18.00
Yearbooks can be purchased through the school or online using the website: https://inter-state.com/yearbook and entering code 62444V.
Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.
Jennings is a Star Student!!
We are so thankful for our School Board Members!!!
What could be better than making homemade butter for our bread for the letter Bb week in Kindergarten?
Sophia does a great job writing her numbers!
Ellie is a star student!
Zero the Hero for the 90th day of school!!
Important Update
Westside Christian church ladies knitted hats for Lincoln preschool kids.
Thank you for the cute, warm hats, Westside Christian Church!
Lincoln Preschoolers received a stocking hat today from Westside Christian Church to help keep those heads warm. Thank you Westside Church, we loved the bright colors of our new hats!!!💙💛💙
Mrs. Peak’s class are showing their new hats.
Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.