Preschoolers in Mrs. Peak's PM class enjoy an afternoon at the pumpkin patch.
Preschoolers in Mrs. Peak's class visited the pumpkin patch today. How many children can fit in a big tire? 14 preschoolers can!
Fun ways to learn Literacy with our Viking Time teachers!
Fun ways to learn Literacy with our Viking Time teachers!
Students wear pink for spirit week in Mrs. Peak’s class.
William has a good attitude and is a good friend. Great job, William!!
Mr Woodworth shared a story and played a game with us about getting along in Mrs. O’Connor’s AM preschool.
Pizza Day!
Pink Out Friday
More lunchtime smiles!
Lunchtime Smiles
Learning at Lincoln!
Fun in PE!
These kids earned a book token for the book machine!!
Miss Taylor's class visited the office. They asked questions and got some "cool shades" from the principal!
Dayton has such a positive attitude! Great Job!!
Evelyn is always willing to help out a friend! Great job!!
Kora is always happy and works hard! She is a star student!!
The Lincoln Scholastic Book Fair is COMING SOON!!!
October 25th to 29th!!!