Thank You USD 503 Board of Education!!!
Mrs. Peak's students love using a variety of technology to learn with!
Mr. Woodworth came to Mrs. O’Connor’s AM class to talk about safety.
No School on Monday, January 17th
Mr. Woodworth came to talk to Mrs. O’Connor’s AM class about safety.
Ms. Joy’s class completed a fun activity this morning as they learn about Martin Luther King Jr. They compared the outside of two eggs, and then cracked them to compare the inside. This was to symbolize that even with different skin colors, we are all the same on the inside. The students loved this!
Music is fun!
Lincoln Learning
High School students talking about the Buddy Bench they are going to bring to Lincoln! Thank You!!!
Learning at Lincoln
Mrs. Hicks’s class loves playing math games.
Coding in kindergarten! 🐝
Mrs. Peak's preschool students with their "The Cool Bean" book purchased by PTO. Thank you PTO for our books.
Ms. Joy’s class enjoying a fun math game with a friend!
Miss Taylor’s preschool class enjoying the new Zen Zone in the classroom!
Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.
Mrs. McGuire’s class working hard during reading groups.
Students in Mrs. Peak's class having fun learning!
Our School Board Members Are AWESOME!!!
Check out the link below to see the Lincoln Loop for January 2022!